All of us, except for Josh

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Daddy I love you

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  1. It was so fun to read and get caught up on your family. I can't believe how big Abbey is getting! And it looks like Josh is doing well on his mish. Love you!

  2. What a sweet, adorable book!! I loved reading it. (Is this for Stephen for Christmas???).
    Abbey is getting so big! I especially loved the page showing Abbey and Stephen both sleeping and the one of Abbey doing "big girl stuff". Great job!

  3. Thanks for making me cry! That is the most tender book ever. Stephen is going to LOVE it! She is such a sweet, special little girl and Stephen is just the best Dad ever. Count your blessings because you have many!

  4. I just like it so much!!!!!!!!Thanks for sharing. I am glad Stephen told me about the blog. .....
    Hope you are all fine. Greetings from Switzerland! Dagmar
    P.S. the pics where Abbey is sleeping on Stephen`s tummy reminded me to the time, he did the same with Melissa.........
